


Do you find yourself intrigued by stocks, bonds, financial markets and other investment vehicles? 你也喜欢思考数字吗? 如果你的回答是肯定的,那么金融学位当然值得你考虑.

金融, 然而, is known to be a fiercely competitive field to break into; after all, it offers high-paying jobs which are known to pay six- and seven-figure incomes plus bonuses for those who make it to the top. Even entry-level 金融-sector jobs come with strong wage-earning potential when compared to other fields. 事实上, the median annual wage for financial occupations is almost double the median annual wage of all other occupations.

根据美国劳工统计局的数据, employment opportunities in business and financial operations is projected to increase by 10% in the decade leading up to the year 2026. 全球化等因素, 复杂的监管和税收环境以及经济增长预计将持续下去, 导致对审计员和会计师的高需求. There’s also a growing demand for market research analysts who are equipped to analyze data and market research and to evaluate marketing strategies.


金融行业是广阔的,提供了广泛的职业. 虽然你在这个行业中获得的初级职位可能不是你理想的工作, 一旦你迈出了第一步, 有很多机会可以四处走动, 进化并找到你的利基. The hottest entry-level positions include analysts, financial advisors, auditors and tax associates. 所有工作一般都要求, 至少, 本科学历,数学或经济相关专业优先.

金融服务业是一个多方面的行业, offering a wide range of career opportunities catering to a variety of interests and skills. 它还有许多包含各种利基机会的子行业. 让新濠天地app来看看金融行业的一些常见职业道路.


公共会计领域提供了大量的职业机会. The duties of public accountants can include keeping track of financial for individuals and businesses alike by:

  •   记录商业交易
  •   编制财务报表
  •   审计财务记录
  •   准备所得税申报表
  •   提供相关咨询服务

As an accountant, you would typically work in partnerships, beginning as a staff accountant. 然后你可以晋升为审计经理, 然后是税务经理,然后, 通过大量的努力工作, 最终成为公司的合伙人.


商业银行部门的职业选择包括信贷员, 运营及分公司经理. 晋升机会可能是在银行总部的职位, 开辟了许多其他利基职业机会,如国际金融.


Investment banking offers some of the most glamorous—and intense—financial career opportunities within the financial sector. 投资银行的职位有利于公司证券的发行, 使它们可供投资者购买, while also providing financial advice and trading of securities for both affluent individual investors and corporations.


Those who have corporate 金融 occupations find and manage the capital needed to run an organization while also reducing financial risk and maximizing corporate value. 无论大小公司,都有公司财务的职位.

更复杂的职位涉及收购和合并活动, such as estimating the value of a business acquisition or establishing the value of a division for a spinoff. 其他公司财务职位包括内部审计师, 财务主管和财务分析师.


对冲基金行业的职业生涯被许多人认为是神秘迷人的. These jobs allow you to buy and sell a wide variety of assets and financial products as you manage largely unregulated private investment funds. 对冲基金行业的典型工作包括:

  •   投资组合经理
  •   营销经理
  •   定量分析
  •   法规遵从官
  •   交易员
  •   金融分析师


Venture Capital professionals work mostly with startup companies or small businesses experiencing rapid growth. 风险投资公司在决定是否投资之前会对公司进行评估. Venture capitalists put together deals that generally benefit the investor over the company receiving the funds. 尽管失败率很高,但一旦成功,回报可能是过高的.

Private equity professionals assist companies in finding capital for the running of current operations and future expansions, 以及, 为重组和管理收购等各种交易提供资金. A private equity position may require you to work as an interim executive for a company that is struggling, 在哪些方面你的努力可以决定组织的命运.


A job in the financial planning industry allows you to assist individuals as they plan for their present and future financial needs. A financial planner typically reviews financial goals in order to create individualized saving and investing plans, 专注于投资增长, 财富保值和/或遗产和税务规划. 注册财务规划师(CFPs)的需求量很大.


保险 industry 金融 jobs—most with large insurance companies—help individuals and businesses anticipate potential risk and create plans to protect themselves from losses.


Almost every company in practically any industry has a need for well-trained financial experts. 大多数金融工作往往是高度专业化的, making it possible for you to find an exact niche and a specific job that fits your interest, 经验水平和培训.

如果你想了解更多关于获得学位的知识 金融 and any other professions that will enable you to serve wholeheartedly and faithfully in your life’s work or want to learn more about a biblically based, 新濠天地app以基督为中心的教育,新濠天地app很想和你聊聊. 有关如何使用的更多信息 新濠天地app大学 can help you pursue your education goals, please phone us at 855-979-5563 or email web@e-hazir.net.


Opinions expressed in the 新濠天地app的博客 are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. 新濠天地app博客是教师和撰稿人表达观点的地方, 学术见解, 并为全国对话做出贡献,激发人们的思考, 谈话, 以及对真理的追求, 符合新濠天地app作为基督徒的哲学, 文科院校.




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