校友 Love Stories | 新濠天地app大学-新濠天地app
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Geneva Love Stories

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Love is in the air! 随着情人节的临近,回顾新濠天地app是如何遇见新濠天地app的爱人的是一件有趣的事情. Geneva’s history includes a lot of these stories. 新濠天地app的许多校友在新濠天地app的校园里遇到并爱上了他们的另一半, including the couples featured here.


Drew Gordon ’82 和 Lynne (Hutmire) Gordon ’ 83

德鲁和我是在新闻课上认识的,也是在《新濠天地app》编辑部会议上认识的. 他比我大一岁,安静而聪明,新濠天地app最终成为了朋友. 我对爱情没有兴趣,也没有理由认为他有. 新濠天地app都对每周的报纸制作充满热情,和其他员工一起工作到深夜,以便在早上7点之前把《新濠天地app》送到《新濠天地app》上.m. for printing on their big web press.

I was actually mad when he was elected editor for his senior year. 我以为自己更有资格,但当时不得不满足于助理编辑的职位. 然而, he proved very capable 和 easy to work alongside, 和 my appreciation for his steadfastness 和 wisdom grew. 我发现他认真对待自己的基督教信仰,并在他的新闻报道中努力仁爱和公正, 新濠天地app的新闻学教授和内阁顾问鼓励新濠天地app这样做, 凯天.

1月, months before he was to graduate, 新濠天地app一大群人出去吃东西,找乐子,最后我和德鲁跳了一段甜蜜的舞. It was supposed to be a silly, 快跳舞, 但音乐笨拙地换成了Journey乐队的慢歌《新濠天地app》. 虽然我很慌张,但在那几分钟里,我意识到我的感情发生了变化. After all this time, could we be more than friends?

几周后,新濠天地app在整理《新濠天地app》的情人节特刊. 这家报纸通过出售情人节分类广告赚了一些零用钱. 在灯台上打蜡,把排字栏打到板子上, I snuck in a little message of appreciation to Drew. I boldly signed it with an I LOVE YOU. We were good enough friends, 我认为, that he could take this statement any way he wished, but I was hoping for an interpretation of the romantic sort.

We finished in the wee hours. 所有的电路板都被压缩成一个文件夹,等待交付给印刷商, 和 we walked back to our dorms. 我不知道的是,德鲁已经发现了我的机密,并回复了我. 他假装去了杨府,但后来又折回了内阁办公室. As the rest of us were falling asleep, 他重新打开了光台和热蜡机,调整了布局以适应他的回答.

在早晨, 当我在18号公路站登上公共汽车回家度周末时,我从亚历山大大厅拿了一份印刷报纸. On the bus, I looked to see how my message looked in print. 有点吓人. I wondered if I was going to ruin our good friendship. And then I saw it: Drew’s reply. The shock of seeing a reply in print was magnified by its content. He seemed to be returning my admiration, something that I could hardly believe, 和 I couldn’t stop thinking about it all weekend. We had no cell phones back then to talk or text. I could hardly wait to get back to campus.

Fast forward to 2023: we’ll have been married 40 years this summer. 37 of those years, we have worked side by side in publishing. 德鲁仍然是我的好朋友,也是我一生的挚爱——面对任何逆境,他都坚定不移. The good Lord has given us children—one a Geneva alumna (Katherine Gordon McKerley ’15)—和 gr和children. 新濠天地app感谢神安排新濠天地app故事开始的时间和地点.

-Lynne (Hutmire) Gordon ‘83


约翰R. 小埃平 ’68 和 S和ra (Wehman) Eppinger ‘68

我对新濠天地app有许多美好的回忆,但其中一段肯定产生了持久的影响. 我开始在那里学习那些能让我进入工程或化学领域的课程. But after the first year, I decided that neither of those areas was where I wanted to go, so in my sophomore year I changed to accounting. 我的室友 约翰·戴1968年 我也转到了会计专业,直到毕业新濠天地app都在上同样的会计课.  

Our first instructor was Mrs. Lillian Gault, whom I remember as a very good 和 caring teacher. These were pre-computer days. 新濠天地app所有的工作都是在柱状纸上完成的,而且新濠天地app的工作通常是用钢笔完成的,而不是用铅笔. 但有一天在课堂上,约翰·戴和我一定是开始用铅笔作业了. Gault said it was okay to finish the assignment that way.

问题是,长期以来都有一些指示,要求给老师批改论文的学生. Gault that work done in pencil received an automatic D. 当新濠天地app在下一节课收到作业时,两篇论文都被相应地批改了. We knew we had completed the work correctly, 和 there were no corrections on our papers, so what was with the D, 新濠天地app想知道?  The problem, unknown to us, was that Mrs. 高尔特忘了告诉批改卷子的学生那天允许使用铅笔. But in the end, the D grade was a done deal. 新濠天地app很不开心, 所以新濠天地app的一个朋友问新濠天地app是否想见见给新濠天地app这个“不公平”分数的评分员. We were, of course, happy to do so.  

那个评分员是 S和ra Wehman ’68. The conversation began with a little complaining on our part, particularly mine, 但当得知她是按照老师的指示打分时, the issue went away. The good result was that I liked the grader. 虽然桑迪和我并没有一起上过很多会计课,因为她比我大一, our relationship bloomed throughout our remaining years at Geneva, resulting in our marriage four days after we graduated. And the rest, as they say, is history - over 54 years later.

-约翰R. 小埃平. ‘68



Daniel Havrilla ’18 和 Megan (Siegle) Havrilla ‘18

丹尼尔和我在大一的时候和一些共同的朋友在亚历克斯家吃晚饭时认识的. We both ended up in The Genevans where Doc said, “环顾四周, your future spouse may be in this room!” We both laughed at the time, 但到了大四,新濠天地app开始约会,毕业一年后就结婚了! 现在新濠天地app结婚快4年了,有一个很棒的儿子.

-Megan (Siegle) Havrilla ‘18



The Keul Family

The Keul family love story all began in 1953. Albert Keul ' 56来自宾夕法尼亚州埃尔伍德市的通勤者,学习工业工程 Mary Ann Hamilton ‘56, from Edgewood, PA studying Elementary Education. 故事是这样的,艾伯特想去参加在约翰斯顿体育馆举行的万圣节社交活动,见见新生的女孩. 他万万没想到,他最终会在那里遇到他一生的挚爱. 1955年12月,艾伯特在老美因街一楼的钟附近向安求婚. They were married on August 18, 1956. In the years to come, 他们在附近的埃尔伍德市定居下来,生了三个孩子,每个孩子都去了新濠天地appElaine (Keul) Geisel ’82, Stephen Keul ’84 ’89库尔特·科尔89年.

史蒂夫, a Communication  和 Industrial Management  major met Adele Graham ‘84, an Elementary Education major from Washington Boro, PA. 史蒂夫在斯凯休息室的办公桌前替阿黛尔换班时遇到了她. They married on July 20, 1985.

A few years later, 库尔特, an Industrial Engineering major, met 蒂娜·迪默,89届, a Business Administration major from Mechanicsburg, PA. 库尔特和蒂娜不记得他们是什么时候认识的,但可能是在一个. 约旦的课程. On Christmas Eve 1989, 库尔特 proposed on the steps of Old Main, 和 they were married on September 22, 1990.

Roughly two decades later, 库尔特 和 Tina’s daughter, Megan (Keul) King ’18 我决定去新濠天地app新濠天地app主修基础和特殊教育. 值得注意的是, 梅根是阿尔伯特和安的七个孙子孙女中唯一一个去过新濠天地app的. While Megan did not meet her sweetheart at Geneva, 2018年2月一个雾蒙蒙的周五晚上,她的高中恋人杰西·金决定在老美因的台阶上求婚. 杰西知道这家人在新濠天地app的情史,也知道梅根和她的家人关系密切,他想把这份遗产延续下去. Jesse 和 Megan were married on June 1, 2019.

 到目前为止,艾伯特和安有五个曾孙…谁知道呢? 也许几十年后,会有另一个爱情故事被记录下来.

-Tina (Ditmer) Keul ‘89


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